Hello everyone,
I’m working on a simulation game where people do spawn randomly and I would like to make them speak when poked by the cursor using an event with multi instrument.
Now, at the moment I have 3 male voice types (so 3 events each one with a multi instrument) and I’d like that randomly each of these voices will be assigned to a new spawned npc.
Is there a standard way to do this in FMOD and avoid giving the ask to the programmers? I wouldn’t do a timeline sheet with 3 multis and random transitions since one npc could trigger any of the 3 types.
Many thanks for the attention, I hope that this will eventually help anyone in the same situation
This is probably doable, but I’m afraid I don’t fully understand your requirements. Do the NPCs need to speak after being initially created? Do they need to say something different on the second and subsequent time they are poked, or should they always repeat the same phrase they said initially?