Can you access the audio data in code from within an UFMODAudioComponent / UFMODAmbientSound while the audio is playing? I know you would typically add an event to the file in the FMOD Studio, add that event to the sound in UE4.
There is also examples in the api that show how to read data from low level. I can read directly from sound files. But I do not want to do that. I want to read data from the events in the game from where they are placed in the world. Am I missing something in the code examples?
Is there an actual way to gain access to the data coming from the event? Is it compressed, or in a specific format once it is in an event? Or is it just standard FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCMFLOAT?
I’ve read a few posts on getWaveData, but that is gone, right? Do I use DSP related commands? I seen some stuff on channel groups, active channels, and such. Am I looking in the right direction? I feel like there is just one element I’m missing, and it confusing me.