Set Programmer Instrument Blueprint Node not working

HI, I am finding the ‘Set Programmer Sound Name’ blueprint node does not seem to work no matter what I try. I wondered if this is a known issue at all?

This is the sort of usage:

The setup is like this: I have a bank with some voice lines in an audio table, which I have dragged onto a programmer instrument. If I place the event containing the programmer instrument into an unreal world like an ambient sound and set the programmer sound name in the properties, it works fine.

If I try to play the event in a Blueprint, either attached or at location, I get the error “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_PlayEventAttached_ReturnValue”. I tried making the programmer instrument longer on the timeline, in case it needed it ‘active’ to set the programmer sound but no joy. I tried adding an fmod audio component to the Blueprint, and setting the event on it but the same issue occurred.

I have a workaround solution at the moment, where I have an fmod ambient sound saved into a Blueprint, but not starting activated, which I am then telling to play when needed but I really could do with one of the play event actions to do the same functionality without needing to add a component in this way.

Thanks in advance.


Thank you for the information and screenshot.

Could I please get your Unreal and FMOD integration versions?

So the problem may be, trying to pass the key after the progremmer instrument has already played without it, you should see an error like this:

LogFMOD: Warning: studio_api\src\fmod_shadow_event.cpp(361) - Programmer sound callback is not set for instrument ''.
LogFMOD: Warning: studio_api\src\fmod_playback_event.cpp(2267) - Programmer sound callback for instrument '' returned no sound.

Unfortunately, I was not able to produce the error:

Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_PlayEventAttached_ReturnValue

Though it may be caused by not passing an object to atached the event too:

LogFMOD: Warning: UFMODBlueprintStatics::PlayEventAttached: NULL AttachComponent specified!

A solution to the problem may be adding an FMOD Audio component to the BP class and then setting the key before playing the progremmer event:

Here I have made sure to disable Auto Activate and left the Programmer Sound Name property empty as well, however, you could pass they key here as well. Then we can just play the event as it will be attached to the BP class it is a part of.

Hope this helps!

Hi Conor, thanks for the reply!

I am using fmod 2.03.05 (just going up to .06) and Unreal 5.4.

I think the issue lies with the attach to component being null. My Blueprint type is also the sort where you cannot just add an fmodambient sound like you have there. Sometimes you can only add it as a component in the variables section further down if that makes sense? I’m unsure what sort of component it wants here from Unreal?

Thanks for the information.

There is a slight difference between and ambient sound (Unreal Integration | User Guide - Ambient Sounds) and an audio component (Unreal Integration | User Guide - Other avenues). An ambient sound is created when you drag and drop and FMOD event into a map. Would it be possible to add an FMOD audio component to your BP?

An alternative option is adding the component via the Add Component By Class node:

Hope this helps