Setted max instance = 1, but when i play a instance multi time at short time the sound still be silent

I’m using unreal engine to make a rhythm game, which need to play many sound at a short time, so I set Max Instance to 1 and Stealing to the oldest, but when many sound was played the sound will be silent, it seems the sound playing over-limit

For example, when I play a sound named “Answer” 10 times in 1 second, all “Answer” will be silent, and if I play it at 2 times, the volume will be higher then 1 time

Here is my code:
In load process:
UFMODBlueprintStatics::LoadBank(Cast(LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Script/FMODStudio.FMODBank’/Game/FMOD/Banks/Master.Master’”))), true, true);
System->Gameplay_Sound_Event_Music = UFMODBlueprintStatics::PlayEvent2D(GWorld, Cast(LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Script/FMODStudio.FMODEvent’/Game/FMOD/Events/Music0000.Music0000’”))), false);
System->Gameplay_Sound_SE_Answer = UFMODBlueprintStatics::PlayEvent2D(GWorld, Cast(LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Script/FMODStudio.FMODEvent’/Game/FMOD/Events/Answer.Answer’”))), false);


I don’t know if the code is wrong

the event is like this, i forgot it


What version of the FMOD integration are you using?

Where are you applying the instance limiting? From the screenshot I can see it is not limiting the event:

Is the limiting applied on the group bus?

Would it be possible to get the full script you are using? The snippet is a bit confusing how it is retrieving the event and then how it is playing it.

Could you please collect a profiler capture while reproducing this issue in the game, then package your profiler session including banks (ticking the “Banks” option when exporting), and upload it to your FMOD Profile?

Sorry, from this screenshot I did not limit it,but I limited it before and the result is same.

I already found the solution, when I use Timeline instead of Action, it just works well.

Thank you so much to help me.

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