Showing all automation?

Hi. I’m currently cleaning up in a project, and I have lots of different “distance” parameters etc and I only want to have on in the game. Im trying to clean up and merge as many distance parameters into as few as possible. My problem is that it’s very hard to know in what places the distance parameter is used. Is there a way to turn on “show all automation” in FMOD studio? Thanks

Hi Troels,

You can enable the option Edit > Preferences… > Interface > Visibility: Automation tracks are expanded by default. Save, close, and reopen the project and all automation tracks should be visible by default, unless “Show Automation Track in Editor” has been disabled on a specific automation.

You can also right click on the parameter and select Find References… > In Events to display all events that use that particular parameter.


Thanks. When I go to the menu, visibilty, I get no “autoamtion tracks expanded by default”. I have “mouse input mode”, “display”, Duouble click opens asset in" and “automatically add even tracks to profiler sessions” and “live update”. No Visibility: Automation tracks are expanded by default.

But thanks:)

Hi Troels,

This option was introduced in 1.10.08. If you wish to use this option you will need to update your version of FMOD Studio.


Ok. Thanks!