We managed to setup the steam audio plugin in Fmod and got it to play a sound in Unreal Engine. But the settings don’t have any effect when using: Plugins->Valve->‘Steam Audio Spazializer’ except for the spatializer (when you turn the Camera and hear the sound differently). Things like Attenuation and Reverb doesn’t work.
There are no new settings either for Steam audio in the Fmod audio component in Unreal.
(If you enable the Steam audio plugin in unreal you can see that it displays more settings in the built in audio component, but this component can’t be used with Fmod.)
The Fmod event in Unreal have “3D = false”, but it should be “3D = True” when using a Spazializer. So something is wrong.
The UE4 Steam Plugin will not work with FMOD, they are two different systems.
With FMOD, the plugin needs to be set up in Studio, then you would use FMOD to control the sounds in game.
An event can display as not 3D if the spatializer is not on the Master track, it is instead on an instrument. Although this is not unique to the Steam plugin, all events will do this.
But the thing is that we don’t use the Steam Audio plugin in Unreal Engine (I was just using it as an example), we have it as a plugin in Fmod.
But we just noticed that the settings don’t work in Fmod either.
For example if we enable attenuation for Steam Audio in Fmod and move around the sound source in the ‘3D Preview’ the sound doesn’t fade when moving it away. This works fine with the built in ‘Fmod Spatializer’ but not with the ‘Steam Audio Spatializer’.
There must be a problem with the Steam Audio Plugin in Fmod which makes it not function properly. It could also be that we missed something to make it work properly, there is not much documentation about it.
We use:
-Fmod Version 1.10.03
-Steam Audio Fmod Studio Plugin 2.0-Beta.13
Apologies, I wasn’t notified when your post was edited.
The Steam plugin does not do any distance attenuation on it’s own, it only spatializes around the listener.
As Valve do not officially have a FMOD-UE4-Steam plugin yet, I have been using the Unity plugin as a guide and there is a lot involved.
It looks like there is a lot more to the integration than just adding the plugin, there is a entire system in place to handle things like attenuation.
So the plugin is made only made to work with Unity, ok.
Thank you for the answer. I will ask Valve then when they plan to make a plugin that supports Unreal.