Hi Jeff,
I managed to get it working a while ago through some experimentation and it seems to do the trick!
I wont paste the full code but this is the PCM reader callback I ended up with and I ended up only initializing the sound once during the programmer instrument creation callback.
FMOD.RESULT PcmReadCallback(IntPtr sound, IntPtr data, uint datalen) {
if(!isReady || outputBuffer == null || readerPosition>outputBuffer.Length) return FMOD.RESULT.OK;
byte[] modifiedData = new byte[datalen];
for (int i=0; i<datalen; ++i)
// Start with silence
modifiedData[i] = 0;
// Check for any buffer data
if (bufferCount > 0)
// Copy data from reader position
modifiedData[i] = outputBuffer[readerPosition];
// Loop reader index
readerPosition = (readerPosition + 1) % outputBufferSize;
Marshal.Copy(modifiedData, 0, data, (int)datalen);