UE 4.17 Support ETA?

Hello, I was just wondering when we should expect the official UE 4.17 integration to come out. I tried following your recompile instructions going from 4.15 to 4.16 to see if that would work, but ran into this error (and haven’t had the time to look into it yet):

...\FMODUE4\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudioEditor\Private\Sequencer\FMODEventControlTrackEditor.cpp(219): error C2665: 'TBaseDelegate<FKeyPropertyResult,float>::CreateRaw': none of the 2 overloads could convert all the argument types
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates/DelegateSignatureImpl.inl(153): note: could be 'TBaseDelegate<FKeyPropertyResult,float> TBaseDelegate<FKeyPropertyResult,float>::CreateRaw<FFMODEventControlTrackEditor,UObject*>(UserClass *,FKeyPropertyResult (__cdecl FFMODEventControlTrackEditor::* )(float,UObject *) const,UObject *)'
  C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Delegates/DelegateSignatureImpl.inl(144): note: or       'TBaseDelegate<FKeyPropertyResult,float> TBaseDelegate<FKeyPropertyResult,float>::CreateRaw<FFMODEventControlTrackEditor,UObject*>(UserClass *,FKeyPropertyResult (__cdecl FFMODEventControlTrackEditor::* )(float,UObject *),UObject *)'
  ...\FMODUE4\Plugins\FMODStudio\Source\FMODStudioEditor\Private\Sequencer\FMODEventControlTrackEditor.cpp(219): note: while trying to match the argument list '(FFMODEventControlTrackEditor *const , bool (__cdecl FFMODEventControlTrackEditor::* )(float,UObject *), UObject *)'


An official release supporting UE4.17 will hopefully be out this month, in the meantime I am aiming to have the updated source available on our github in the next couple of days.

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Good to know, thanks for the quick reply! I’ll definitely grab the source from github when it goes up there.

I just updated the master branch on Github.

You shouldn’t need to be replacing files manually, the plugin just needs to be recompiled with the new engine version.

Copy and overwrite the entire folder from Github to the plugin, then either rebuild in Visual Studio or when prompted by the editor.

In editor:

  • When it asks if you want to disable FMOD, select no.
  • Then when it asks if you want to rebuild the FMOD libs, select yes.