Hi all, we’ve had an issue where FMOD is stopping people from rebuilding our Unreal Project from source. We are collaborating over GitHub, using Unreal Engine 5.0.3, FMOD version 2.02.07 with the integration package to match both UE and FMOD.
At first one of the team members got shown a message saying that the two modules ‘FMODStudio’ and ‘FMODStudioEditor’ are missing or built with a different engine and was given the option to rebuild them. After clicking yes another error popped up saying ‘ProjectName could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually’
Are you able to build the project/engine (depending on where the plugin is located) in Visual Studio? The libs supplied in the plugin download are built with the retail version of 5.0.3 so they may not be compatible with a locally built version from source.