Undefined Symbol Errors in Xcode (Unity build)

Hi Connor,

Thanks! That last post helped a lot.

So I removed that folder and I was finally able to build to the device. Not sure why the version 2 integration was in there but removing it did solve for the build errors! I’m hoping to build only on iOS and iPad. So not sure how to best remove the other platforms.

Now that it builds however, I’m not getting any audio and when I look in the error log I get the following FMOD related errors:

BankLoadException: [FMOD] Could not load bank '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/76B10232-6663-4098-86D2-CD8CE1840B9E/In Your Head.app/Data/Raw/Master.bank' : ERR_PLUGIN_MISSING : A requested output, dsp unit type or codec was not available.
Uploading Crash Report
BusNotFoundException: [FMOD] Bus not found 'bus:/‘
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {893ee9ef-b1e5-4cde-af02-9b1299800f15}
BankLoadException: [FMOD] Could not load bank '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/76B10232-6663-4098-86D2-CD8CE1840B9E/In Your Head.app/Data/Raw/Master.bank' : ERR_PLUGIN_MISSING : A requested output, dsp unit type or codec was not available.
BusNotFoundException: [FMOD] Bus not found 'bus:/Player Sounds’
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {4e22bb48-9572-4b17-beb5-2b05e4899638}
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {b3a4dde1-32d5-4d9d-82cb-3da78a3149b4}
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {1181b46a-f77f-4265-8e64-b24e3a3ab91a}
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {6d8c0f49-6fd9-4f06-8112-a59e7e458394}
EventNotFoundException: [FMOD] Event not found: {0188f229-7a06-472a-a412-afef06d2995d}
Resonance Audio Listener not found in the FMOD project.
FMODUnityResonance.FmodResonanceAudio:UpdateAudioRoom(FmodResonanceAudioRoom, Boolean)

I’ve attempted to Build the banks from FMOD, and refresh the banks in Unity and am able to run the game with sound in the Unity editor with no problem. Only not getting sound when building in the game.

I found this posting (Resonance Audio Room & Listener not found - #8 by agnardavid) that in the forum that addressed the “Resonance Audio Listener not found in the FMOD project” error and suggest adding some code (to the AWAKE function of a script on a game object:

public class ResonanceRoomHotfix : MonoBehaviour {
void Awake()
        var resonanceBus = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.GetBus("bus:/{YourResonanceBusNameHere}");

I tried this but still getting those FMOD errors in Xcode.

I feel like we getting close! Thank you for your help and please let me know if there is anything else I can share that can help diagnose and fix this.


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