Unity 2019.3.0f6 - ERR_HEADER_MISMATCH

Hello, I’ve tested it with a new empty project and the problem persists. These are the steps I’ve followed:

  1. Create a new FMOD Project on FMOD Studio 2.00.07 with just two events assigned to Master bank
    • a sound for testing play oneshot (wav asset)
    • a music loop for testing a start/stop event (mp3 asset)
  2. Create a new Unity 2D Project on Unity 2019.3.0f6 (on Windows 10)
  3. Import FMOD integration package on this new project (fmodstudio20007.unitypackage)
  4. Configure FMOD settings to point to the studio project path
  5. Add a FMOD Studio Listener to the main camera
  6. Create a simple c# MonoBehaviour script that shows 2 buttons on screen
    • One for playing the wav sound
    • Other for start/stop mp3 loop
  7. Assign this script/component to the Main Camera object in Unity Hierarchy
  8. Play this simple project on Editor with success
    • Both buttons are shown on screen and both events are working
  9. Make a Windows 64bits build and test it
    • Both buttons are shown on screen and both events are working
  10. Make a Linux 64bits build
  11. Boot on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS) and execute the build:
    • Buttons are not shown because FMOD fails before
    • ~/.config/unity3d/DefaultCompany/MyTestUnity/Player.log shows this error trace:
SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : FMOD.Studio.System.create : ERR_HEADER_MISMATCH : There is a version mismatch between the FMOD header and either the FMOD Studio library or the FMOD Low Level library.
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.get_Instance () [0x00108] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.PathToGUID (System.String path) [0x0001e] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance (System.String path) [0x00000] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at SoundTestScript.Awake () [0x00000] in <6bbb4c5f231a486ea53b207d3c8c5e57>:0

(Filename: <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb> Line: 0)

SystemNotInitializedException: [FMOD] Initialization failed : FMOD.Studio.System.create : ERR_HEADER_MISMATCH : There is a version mismatch between the FMOD header and either the FMOD Studio library or the FMOD Low Level library.
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.get_Instance () [0x00007] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.get_StudioSystem () [0x00000] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.AddListener (FMODUnity.StudioListener listener) [0x000bf] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0
  at FMODUnity.StudioListener.OnEnable () [0x00027] in <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb>:0

(Filename: <5823b14fa90d4e81b237ee60a544d6fb> Line: 0)

This is the content of the c# script:

using FMOD.Studio;
using UnityEngine;

public class SoundTestScript : MonoBehaviour {
    private EventInstance fmodEvent;
    private bool playingMusic;

    void Awake() {
        fmodEvent = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance("event:/music");
        playingMusic = false;

    void OnGUI() {
        if (GUILayout.Button("Test sound")) {

        if (GUILayout.Button("Play/Stop music loop")) {
            if (playingMusic) {
                playingMusic = false;
            } else {
                playingMusic = true;

I’ve uploaded the test to my server so you can test it if you want. This is the URL:


The zip contains the FMOD project, the Unity project, a Windows 64 build, and the Linux 64 build that is not working.

Thanks again!