Unity doesn't read all audio tracks

Beginner here - A long while ago, I completed a project that integrated FMOD into Unity, and never had the following issue. I recently added more audio components, but when I test the game, the new audio isn’t triggered, even though Unity is able to locate the events which host the new audio. I’m unsure why Unity is reacting this way, but I went as far as to:

  1. Move a working audio clip from Audio Track 1 to Audio Track 2
  2. Mute Audio Track 2, which now has the working audio clip
  3. Place a multi instrument with new audio on Audio Track 1

But, Unity would simply trigger the old audio clip at whatever volume Audio Track 1 is set to, despite being on a different, muted audio track. I am able to find the event and preview what the event should sound like from Unity’s FMOD Event Browser.
I was able to add some new audio components to a separate event before this issue occurred.
I searched for this issue to no avail, and I would love some help.


It’s likely there’s a disconnect between location of the banks being built by FMOD Studio, and where FMOD for Unity is importing banks from. A few questions:

  • If you go to your FMOD Studio preferences → Build, what is set as the “built banks output directory”?
  • In the Bank Import section of your FMOD for Unity settings, what Source Type?
  • If you’re using Single or Multiple Platform build source types, can I get you to verify that the build path lines up with the location of your built banks?

Also, can I get your FMOD Studio and Unity versions?