Use LFE channel as regular channel (8.0 instead of 7.1)

We are using the FMOD Engine 2.02.13 on a Raspberry PI combined with a Gigaport ex 8-Channel interface for a “soundscape-tabletop” where we want to trigger up to 8 individual Mono-Events on individual Channels to create generative soundscapes. In other words we want to use FMOD as an 8.0 System instead of 7.1.
Right now the LFE channel has an Lowpassfilter applied. I don’t see a possibility to change the Lowpassfilter inside of FMOD Studio. How is it possible to remove the Lowpassfilter or change its cutoff-frequency so we can use the LFE-channel as a regular channel?

While FMOD Studio does only let you select 7.1 output instead of 8 raw channels, it doesn’t apply a low pass filter to the LFE channel, so you should just be able to treat the 7.1 output as a raw 8 channels if desired. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to observe the low pass on the LFE channel describing, and I’m able to mix mono audio down to specific channels in the manner you’re describing using the Channel Mix effect without any issues.

Depending on how you’re monitoring in Studio, it’s possible that you may not be hearing the LFE at all, and It’s also possible that when playing your audio back the audio driver or interface is applying a low pass to the LFE channel. I would recommend confirming whether either of these things are happening - if they aren’t, can I get you to provide a series of steps that reproduces the issue for you?