I was wondering if anyone knew of a current from scratch visual studio tutorial. I have tried to set up a visual studio project, but I am getting linker errors. IntelliSense recognizes the FMOD commands, but on compile I get an error as follows:
LNK2019 unresolved external symbol “public: static enum FMOD_RESULT __cdecl FMOD::Studio::System::create(class FMOD::Studio::System * *,unsigned int)” (?create&System&Studio&FMOD&&SA?AW4FMOD_RESULT&&PEAPEAV123&I&Z) referenced in function “public: static void __cdecl Audio::Init(void)” (?Init&Audio&&SAXXZ)
replace ‘&’ with ‘@’ because FMOD forums don’t allow more than 2 @
I’ve made sure the paths are right in the Additional Include Directories, the Additional Library Directory, and the Additional Dependencies properties.
All documentation that I have found regarding seems to be out of date when it comes to setting up a new project.