Weird issue: unable to extract fmod engine linux package 2.02.16 to 2.02.14 on fedora linux 38

Hi there, i downloaded the fmod engine linux package and I am trying to extract it so as to use it in a project which already uses fmod on window.
However I have a very strange issue: i am unable to extract the files. I tried via the gnome files and via the command line but i can not. Any feedback is more than welcome.

edit: i am not able to decompress 2.02.16, 2.02.15, 2.02.14 but I decompressed 2.02.12 and 2.02.13, could it be a release issue? i guess it is unlikely that I would be the first to report a broken package!


Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue on Fedora 38 and was able to successfully extract the Linux engine.
What happens when you try to extract the file? Are there any logs or more information about why it is failing?

Hi, i am sorry for the late reply, i haven’t looked into it since august. I get a very strange behavior that has never happened to me before. I extract the archive and i get again the same archive. either via the gnome UI using the mouse either from the the terminal with tar -xf fmod.tar.gz it just doesn’t uncompres/extract. i just tested 2.02.17 as well


Could you try the following:

  1. Download the Linux install
  2. Extract the Download fmodstudio20217linux.tar.gz
  3. Extract the created file fmodstudio20217linux (1).tar.gz

Let me know if this extracts the api correctly.

Hi, 2.0.18 extract as expected.

Here is what happens if i try to extract 2.0.17

pattakosn@fedora 22:59:47 ~/ASD : 
pattakosn@fedora 22:59:47 ~/ASD : 
gunzip fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz 
pattakosn@fedora 22:59:55 ~/ASD : 
pattakosn@fedora 22:59:56 ~/ASD : 
tar -xf fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar 
pattakosn@fedora 22:59:59 ~/ASD : 
fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar  fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz
pattakosn@fedora 23:00:00 ~/ASD : 
ls -lh
total 143M
-rw-r--r--. 1 pattakosn pattakosn 72M Oct 13 22:59 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar
-rw-r--r--. 1 pattakosn pattakosn 72M Aug 20 13:36 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz
1 Like


Could you try running gunzip on the fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar file, the engine files should be held within there.

I do not understand what you want me to try.


Apologies for the delayed response.

In the example, you extract the files from fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz which returns fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar. Could you please try extracting from fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar and let me know if the engine files are extracted?

Hi again. I tried again after a long time to download and use fmod on linux and again i am having weird issues. i downloaded these 3 versions using fedora and tried to extract them:

pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:05   ls -l
total 218656
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74601268 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74636525 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74661078 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:08   gunzip fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz 
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:15   gunzip fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar.gz 
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:19   gunzip fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz 
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:23   ls -l
total 219656
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74945024 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74974720 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74999296 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:24   tar -xvf fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar 
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:45   tar -xvf fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar 
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:51   tar -xvf fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar 
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime'
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:00:55   ls -l
total 439300
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74945024 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74943274 Aug 20  2023 fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74974720 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74972973 Sep 28  2023 fmodstudioapi20218linux.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74999296 Jun  9 09:59 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74996394 May  5 13:22 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux  (cmake) 10:01:01   gunzip fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar
gzip: fmodstudioapi20217linux.tar: unknown suffix -- ignored

i then tried downloading using chrome and i got this:

pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux/asd  (cmake) 10:12:19   ls -l
total 72912
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74661078 Jun  9 10:03 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux/asd  (cmake) 10:12:23   tar -xf fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz 
tar: Ignoring unknown extended header keyword 'LIBARCHIVE.creationtime'
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux/asd  (cmake) 10:12:39   ls
pattakosn@jimarch:~/linux/asd  (cmake) 10:12:40   ls -l
total 73240
-rw-r--r-- 1 pattakosn pattakosn 74996394 May  5 13:22 fmodstudioapi20222linux.tar.gz

this time i am on a arch system, not that it should matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just tried on a windows machine, i downloaded the latest linux stable archive and i tried to extract it with winrar, instead of getting a folder with the archive contents, i get a folder with yet an tar.gz file that i simply can not extract

I tried again on a windows system using winrar and 7z . extracting the downloaded tar.gz file results in yet another tar.gz file which can be extracted albeit with errors. I will go on to compile my project with them and see if it works.

What is certain is that your packages are wrongly made, i do not know how you make them, i have been using rar/tar/etc for 30 years and i have never had this error before.

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Thank you for the information. I have now been able to reproduce the error. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

I will pass this on to our development team to look into further.

Again, thank you for all your work.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. A fix for this will be included in our next release.