A question regarding automatic firing mode settings

I selected the firing mode to ‘looping’ rather than ‘single-shot’ to prevent delay in sound when the frame drops. and i have perfectly configured it so that a single click of the mouse produces the sound of one shot in about 800 RPM auto firing mode.(tail and reflection also)
However, occasionally there is a synchronization issue between the remaining magazine count and the first shot. (If the time between clicks of mouse button exceeds 0.075 seconds, it counts as 2 shots. However, the sound output will be exactly once.)

From a programmers perspective, they argue that since the act of firing a gun is perceived as a single counting event, latency between the client and the dedicated server prevents perfect synchronization.
To solve this issue, would it be necessary for the sound (or FMOD) to send callback signals first?

The firearm’s mechanism is structured solely around On Clicked and On Released methods. (I wonder why they don’t use the On Pressed method.)

Would I need to control the mouse clicks with functionality like the one shown in this screenshot?

Just to make sure I’m understanding you:

  • You have a gun that has a full-auto firing route of 800RPM
  • You have an looping event that is set to play on mouse pressed, and stop/release on mouse release
  • The looping FMOD event will only play a sound once even when two shots are fired if the mouse is pressed and released too quickly after a single shot (0.075 seconds)

Is this correct?

Are you only observing this behaviour when using a dedicated server, or does it also occur locally, with no network involvement?

How do you want to use a callback to fix the issue?