About add mutilple bank path?

In the case of Android game development, the .bank file that accompanies the .apk file can no longer be in the same path as the .bank file for subsequent updates, so how do I solve this problem?

There seems to be no way to set multiple paths as search paths in FMODStudioSettings, does this mean that I should find these new .bank files myself and load them myself using the LoadBank() method?

My current approach is to extend my own method based on the LoadBank method in RuntimeManager to load the .bank file by providing a full path to the .bank file.

After testing it all seems to work fine, other than that is there any better way?


I’m happy to see you’ve managed to find a solution. That said, since you recently asked about AssetBundles, are you using StreamingAssets or AssetBundles as your import type? With AssetBundles, while FMOD for Unity does build with the original banks, the user is responsible for loading new banks/bank versions at runtime, which need to be in the TextAsset format and loaded with the relevant overload for RuntimeManager.LoadBank().

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Thank you for your reply.
After our discussion, we finalized using StreamingAssets to store banks.

I set Load Banks in FMODStudioSettings to None, and then proceeded to load any specified bank file the same way I would with AssetBundles.

My modified method looks like this:

        public static void LoadBankByFilePath(string bankPath, string bankName, bool loadSamples = false)
            string bankId = bankName;

            if (Instance.loadedBanks.ContainsKey(bankId))
                ReferenceLoadedBank(bankId, loadSamples);

                if (Settings.Instance.AndroidUseOBB)
                    Instance.StartCoroutine(Instance.loadFromWeb(bankPath, bankName, loadSamples));
                if (true)
                    Instance.StartCoroutine(Instance.loadFromWeb(bankPath, bankName, loadSamples));
                    LoadedBank loadedBank = new LoadedBank();
                    FMOD.RESULT loadResult = Instance.studioSystem.loadBankFile(bankPath, FMOD.Studio.LOAD_BANK_FLAGS.NORMAL, out loadedBank.Bank);
                    Instance.RegisterLoadedBank(loadedBank, bankPath, bankId, loadSamples, loadResult);


One interesting thing I realized during this process is that it doesn’t matter what the name of the .bank file is, even if you change it to any name, it will still work fine when loaded.

The same is true for bankId, but you need to make sure that the bankId is unique for each .bank file, and you need to make sure that you can map the .bank file to the bankId.Otherwise you won’t be able to unload them accurately.

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