Loading Banks from path

Am new to FMOD and am wondering if i’m not fully understanding the usage of Runtimemanager.LoadBank().

From my understanding, grouping events into banks is good to do, as you can load/unload unnecessary events.

I plan on having one bank per enemy in my game, so that if an enemy isn’t in a level, i don’t waste memory loading their sounds, however for the life of me i cannot get loading the banks to work properly.

Since i will have one bank per enemy ( and a generic “Enemy” bank for shared sounds) I want to store a string to the bank’s path in each subclass of my Enemy class, and then load it upon spawning an enemy.

Here is the code i am using just for testing at the moment:

 private void Update()
    if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V)) LoadBank("Enemies/Metal/Scissor");
    if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) StartCoroutine(RecheckBank());

public void LoadBank(string path)
    RuntimeManager.LoadBank(path, true);
    RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBank(path, out var bank));


For testing, i am manually loading the bank when i press the button V in update(). i also have a coroutine that prints out all the loaded banks, so i can see when it is loaded.

When i Debug log the FMOD.RESULT from getBank, it is returning: ERR_EVENT_NOTFOUND
but the bank is properly being loaded the first time.

I deload specific banks upon reloading my scene in my game.
when i deload a bank and then try to reload it again using LoadBank(), it isn’t loading the 2nd time, even though i am calling it with a fixed path.

public void OnSceneReload()

        // Get the list of loaded banks
        RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBankList(out FMOD.Studio.Bank[] loadedBanks);
        // Iterate banks and unload non ignored bank paths.
        for (int i = 0; i < loadedBanks.Length; i++)
            FMOD.Studio.Bank bank = loadedBanks[i];
            bank.getPath(out string path);
            if (bank.isValid() && ! ignoreBankUnload.Contains(path))
                Console.Log($"Unloading bank: {path}");

This just gets the list of all loaded banks, and then unloads them if their path isn’t in a hashset (so i can keep some permanently loaded). Currently i have the hashset set up so it is ONLY deloading the “Enemies/Metal/Scissor” bank.

I have checked if it is loaded using the previously mentioned coroutine:

 IEnumerator RecheckBank()
     yield return null;
     RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBankList(out var temp);
     foreach (var b in temp)
         b.getPath(out string path);

When i first load the scene, the bank “Enemies/Metal/Scissor” isn’t loaded, as intended. i have my fmod settings only load specific banks on initialization.
When i press B to run the check for loaded banks, it reflects this appropriately.

When i then press V to load the bank, and B to check loaded banks it properly loads the bank, and appears in the list of loaded banks.

When i then deload the bank and press V again, which should load the same bank with the exact same path, nothing happens.

I have tried checking the RESULT’s returned from the various fmod methods, but they all either give the result ERR_EVENT_NOTFOUND, or similar things which shouldn’t be the case as it works perfectly fine the first time i am loading them.

There’s a couple of potential causes of the behavior you’re describing.

The first would be that the path being used is incorrect, which seems like a possibility given that "Enemies/Metal/Scissor" would work for the initial RuntimeManager.LoadBank() call since it’s loading from the asset directory, but wouldn’t for RuntimeManager.StudioSystem.getBank() since the expected path format for banks starts with "bank:/".

The second would be that the strings bank isn’t being loaded - you can read over the Advanced Topics chapter’s GUIDs and Paths section in the FMOD Studio doc for more information. All path-based lookup functionality is dependent on the strings bank being loaded, and API functions will return ERR_EVENT_NOTFOUND if it isn’t loaded, so I’d recommend verifying that it is in fact loaded you’re calling any path-based functions.