AirPod Pro Spatial Audio

Does FMOD have any support coming for the binaural spatial audio algorithm in Apple’s AirPod Pros?

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We have nothing specific planned, there is precious little information regarding developing for the spatial audio features Apple have announced. FMOD supports up to 7.1 audio output on iOS, so I would expect their multichannel spatialization would kick in if that was used. I haven’t found any details about their binaural spatializer, i.e. if they have an object based rendering API. If they do, we should be able to support that as we do on Windows / Xbox / PSVR (via Studio object spatializer), however finding developer information for that is proving elusive so far.

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Hello Matthew,
A couple of years on, is there any update on the possibility?
Thank you.

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Apple has an API for accessing its spatial audio technology called PHASE. We have an implementation that uses it however we currently have it disabled. The PHASE system is quite buggy, we are currently waiting on Apple to resolve some of the bugs we’ve reported. We hope to return to the project in a month or so and reevaluate if it is stable enough to use yet.


Thank you!