asset info rebuild.

FMOD Studio v. 1.09.06
is there a way to rebuild asset information. in the assets tab i have folders that do not exist in the explorer window. I have events referencing those files/folder that do not exist.

I’m not clear on what you want.

Do you want to delete all events that reference audio files that no longer exist?
Do you want to remove folders that have no contents?
Do you want to update the folders on your hard drive to match the ones in your assets browser?
Do you want to replace the references to missing audio files in your events with references to files that do exist?

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Do you want to delete all events that reference audio files that no longer exist?

Do you want to remove folders that have no contents?
in the Assets tab, yes

Do you want to update the folders on your hard drive to match the ones in your assets browser?
Should they be the same when you point to your assets on your HD? I would assume yes

Do you want to replace the references to missing audio files in your events with references to files that do exist?
I would love to not have to repopulate events if i don’t have to. I’m wondering if i delete asset audiofile xml folder that it would rescan and populate the events with the “missing” material

I’m afraid I still don’t fully understand why your project contains so many missing assets, and so I cannot know which course of action to recommend. Here’s some likely candidates:

Have you only recently gotten a local copy of this project from a source control repository or depot? Have you taken over an incomplete project from another sound designer? Have you just recently started using a new machine, or reformatted your existing one? If you answered yes to any of those questions, there’s a high chance that your Assets Folder path is set incorrectly, or that you still need to get the project’s assets before your project will work. Changing your project’s Assets Folder to be the actual location of your project’s assets files (or moving your project’s asset files into the location expected by your project’s Assets Folder path) should cause the missing assets to work again. The Assets Folder path may be changed in the"Assets" tab of the “Preferences” dialog.

Are you starting a new project by using an existing project as a basis, and are clearing out existing content in preparation for creating new content? Are you trying to get a project working after losing access to your existing asset files in some kind of drive failure or licencing disagreement? If answered yes to either of those questions, there are a few tools that can help you fix or clean up a project with missing assets:

  • You can search for all missing assets in your project by typing “#missing” (without quotes) in the assets browser’s search bar.
  • You can replace existing assets with new audio files by selecting both the missing and new audio file in the assets browser and using the “Consolidate…” context menu item. (The file you right-click on becomes the canonical file when you do this.)
  • You can locate events that use a particular asset by right-clicking on the asset in the assets browser, and selecting “Find References…” from the context menu.
  • You can delete folders and assets in the assets browser by selecting them, then right-clicking and selecting “Delete” from the context menu. This removes the files and folders from your hard drive, if they are present. Note that it is often better to consolidate than to delete, as consolidating saves having to recreate your events. Note also that deleting a folder deletes all items in that folder, even if they’re not currently displayed because they don’t match the browser’s search criteria.
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I have recently gotten a local copy of this project from a source control repository.

[Changing your project’s Assets Folder to be the actual location of your project’s assets files (or moving your project’s asset files into the location expected by your project’s Assets Folder path) should cause the missing assets to work again. The Assets Folder path may be changed in the”Assets” tab of the “Preferences” dialog.]

this process unfortunately doesn’t work. i still have folders and assets that are “new” pointing to another folder with the same folder name. I’m still wondering if i delete xml data pertaining to the location that it would rebuild xml data with correct asset location.

That won’t work, because all asset locations are relative to the project’s assets folder; unless you set the asset folder correctly, FMOD Studio will be unable to find any of the assets your project already uses, since they won’t be in the locations it expects. In addition, deleting the xmls will be interpreted by Studio as your deleting the project’s assets, and I imagine the other people using your source control repository won’t want you to check in such a change.

Are you sure you’re setting the assets folder correctly? Have you confirmed that the files and folders that Studio expects to be in your assets folder are in the exact folder that you’re setting it to? Setting it to a parent or child of the folder your project expects won’t work. Is there anyone else on your project that you could ask for help?

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