I’m helping design sounds for a MMORPG game and I want to use FMod to implement my sound design work into the game. Is this possible or worth the effort? I could just delver the sound assets to the programmers or try to use the built-in Atavism/Unity sound components. I think I’d lose a lot of flexibility on the audio side if I did.
Your assessment is correct: FMOD gives you a lot more flexibility and power than the built-in audio features of your game engine can. You need to ask yourself whether your game needs that flexibility and power.
Every game project has unique requirements, and you know what your game needs better than we do. If your game is so simple that it only needs to play specific sound files on demand, your game engine’s built-in audio features probably does everything you need; but if you want to something more complex and interesting than that, FMOD Studio and the FMOD integration will let you do it.
I recommend taking a look at FMOD Studio’s list of features, or reading some of the FMOD Studio User Manual. If you spot anything that seems like it could be useful to your game, that’s a reason to use FMOD.