I’m currently trying to set up playing certain events via their regular channel group output but additionally also via the controller audio and controller vibration (so the event should be played on all three at the same time). One thing that isn’t clear to me atm is whether attachChannelGroupToPort can used to do this with a single EventInstance or whether we need to create three instances, one for each output?
attachChannelGroupToPort has a passThru parameter, so I would think that I could call it twice, with different ports (controller audio + controller vibration), and then start the event. But detachChannelGroupFromPort only takes the group as parameter, so I think either attaching a channel group to two ports will have the second one override the first one, or detach will remove all ports?
Finally, do I need to clean this all up (detach channel group, release channel group, release event instance), or will releasing the event instance automatically clean up the port attachment and its channel group?