Audio latency issues in Quest 2 Build

Hello there,

We are having an issue were all audio is having a 1 sec (aprox) latency from the moment a sound is triggered. This issue only happens on a Quest 2 build and not on UE editor.

These are our settings on Fmod:

  • Force DSP buffer block size to 256 samples
    Mobile build:
  • Encoding Format: FADPCM
  • Advanced Loading Mode: Streaming
  • Sample Rtae Mode: Custom
  • Sample Rtae: 22.050 kHz
  • Build options: Align sample data for binary patchinh. 4KB blocks (Cheked)

These are our setting in UE5 project:

FMOD Studio:

and under Platforms/ Andorid

Any other settings you think it could help to fix this issue?