I tried to register ayudio output with registerOutput method but i keep getting error FMOD_ERR_PLUGIN_VERSION, fmod version 2.02.14, compileSdkVersion 33
unsigned int outputhandle;
outputDesc.apiversion = FMOD_VERSION;
outputDesc.name = "My Output";
outputDesc.version = 0x00010000;
outputDesc.getnumdrivers = GetNumDrivers;
outputDesc.getdriverinfo = GetDriverInfo;
outputDesc.init = OutputInit;
outputDesc.start = OutputStart;
outputDesc.stop = OutputStop;
outputDesc.close = OutputClose;
outputDesc.update = OutputUpdate;
outputDesc.gethandle = OutputGetHandle;
LOGE("fmod::EchoesSpatEngine: %s\n", "registerOutput");
result = fmodsystem->registerOutput(&outputDesc, &outputhandle);
if (result != FMOD_OK) {
LOGE("fmod:: Could not set output because: %s\n", FMOD_ErrorString(result));
Maybe I have missed something in the FMOD_OUTPUT_DESCRIPTION implementation? Or should the output logging be in some special place?