I’m trying to create EventInstruments via scripting. I actually need sub - sub events. I couldn’t find details in the documentation, but after trying it out and guessing a few parameters I seem to be able to generate them. I’m doing it like this;
var _instrumentTrack = partEvent.addGroupTrack( _instrument );
var instrumentEventTrack = _instrumentTrack.addSound(partEvent.timeline, "EventSound", _start, _timelength);
The docs at
say I should only add “model.Sound / model.SingleSound / model.MultiSound / model.ProgrammerSound”
I’m using model.EventSound…
After my script runs the project crashes within a few seconds, I’m sure I’m missing some relationships or other data.
I’m attaching my full project build script - which takes a set of audio assets and sets up the project based on the folders and file naming like this:
{mainevent} / {subevent} / {trackname}_{tracknum}.wav
I have 4 main events, 8 subevents and 5 tracks on each of those (so around 160 sounds) I have a lot of these to setup and want to automate as much of this as possible.
thanks for any thoughts or help!
BuildTracks.js.txt (4.9 KB)