Hi There
I have done some searching on the fmod forum for a solution to my issue but im unable to resolve it.
I get two warnings on packaging a project (ue5 5.02 - fmod 2.02.07) and it seems to break the build proccess and not complete the game compile.
In fact it actually finishes with success but seems to ignore large portions of the project.
I tested a compile without fmod just to be sure and it compiles ok.
This fmod project is fairly basic - with some pitch functions and in editor it works fine. Sounds are selectable and playable.
This project was migrated from fmod 2.00.08.
Initially i through it might have been the fact that it had a space in “Master Bank” but I have removed that, renamed in FMOD to MasterBank. UE5 seems to reference it. Validation in engine etc works.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogClass: Warning: ObjectProperty FFMODLocalizedBankTable::Banks is not initialized properly. Module:FMODStudio File:Private/FMODBankLookup.h
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogAutomationTest: Warning: ObjectProperty FFMODLocalizedBankTable::Banks is not initialized properly. Module:FMODStudio File:Private/FMODBankLookup.h
I am thinking some sort of reference is broken and im unable to find it.
Any help would be much appreciated!