Banks list on mobile is empty

Hello :slight_smile:
Recently we’ve been working on our asset bundle flow, and after everything was ready we turned the FMOD import settings back to load from StreamingAssets.
Since then, banks aren’t loaded on mobile, only in the editor.
After a bit of debugging, seems like the MasterBanks and Banks lists are empty on mobile, while they are completely populated in the editor.

Worth noting:

  • Import Type is set to Streaming Assets.
  • Load Banks is set to All.
  • The .bank files are included in the build’s streaming assets folder.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!


What version of the FMOD integration are you using?

I notice you mention using asset bundles, we have documentation outlining the process of loading asset bundles here: Unity Intergration|2. User Guide|2.7.3 Using AssetBundles

Unexpected behavior can happen when trying to use the streaming asset import type with asset bundles, would it be possible for you to set the FMOD Settings’ import type to Asset Bundle, and then rebuild the asset bundle?

Hope this helps, let me know if the issue persists.
