Best practices for tempo-sync/beatmatched timing across events?

@jeff_fmod I hugely appreciate you confirming this. I am familiar with these concepts within an event and your explanation refreshes my memory.

Is there anything at an above-event level that would keep multiple events synchronized?

Like for example:

  • Say I have Event A playing at 120 BPM and Event B playing at 130 BPM,
  • I could set Event A to be the “master” and have it match time
  • Or if Event A and Event C are at 120 BPM, then I could have both start 8 bars in — like this?
  • (Might be a case for nesting Event B as a referenced event inside of A, if no other elegant way exists?)

I understand if there are many logical complications with this. I’m conceptually thinking of something like Ableton Live’s Tempo Leader/Follower.

Otherwise, at some basic level, it seems like having code trigger multiple music events at the same time should generally sync them from the start of playback? (Any potential issues with this, like needing time to be cached so they aren’t off-sync by a bit?)