It looks like the sequencer integration does not work anymore: an event spawned in the sequence will play at begin play, and beginning of the sequence and not when actually triggered.
Also, there’s not more the decision between “play” and “trigger”:

Thanks for reporting this, I’ve added an issue to our bug tracker to have this fixed.
Hello! do you have any news on this issue?
I have the same issue. Any information on when a hotfix will be released?
We are working on a fix for this for our next release, due early March.
I’ve got a demo to be completed in the next few days: do you think you could release it sooner on github?
We will push the fix to GitHub as soon as it’s done but we can’t make any promises about when that will be.
Will it be only available on Github then or will the download section be updated as well?
The fix will be included in our next release and that will be downloadable from our website as usual.
I’ll also try to push the fix to GitHub ahead of our release so that people hitting this issue have that option to access the fix as soon as possible.
The fixes for the sequencer have been pushed to GitHub. These fixes haven’t been QA tested yet so there might be additional fixes before the release but please let us know if you encounter any issues with them.
Hi Derek,
I can’t find the commit on github, could you specify which branch it was pushed to?
The latest commit on branch 2.01-UE4.26 dates from Feb 26, 2021: Commits · fmod/ue4integration · GitHub
There was an issue with the push to github, it’s been resolved now - fmod/ue4integration at 2.01-UE4.26 (github.com)
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