I am trying do do some dynamic mixing, where I’ll have snapshots instruments automate the ration on compressors on certain mixer groups, to make sure only loud sounds are ducked/compressed while an important sounds play.
This works great, however I noticed that the compressor effect uses CPU even, when the ration is set to 1.0:1 (when I am not using it). Is there no way around this? I am on 2.02.22
Unfortunately, effects like the compressor still consume CPU resources even when they’re not actively processing (i.e., when the ratio is set to 1.0:1). They remain active unless you remove or bypass them entirely.
One potential workaround is to use DSP::setBypass to dynamically bypass the compressor effect through code when it’s not needed, which would help reduce CPU usage.
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.