C# system.createChannel() returmed 'ERR_INVALID_PARAM'

private void FmodERRCheck(Fmod.RESULT result){
    if (result != RESULT.OK)

private void InitFmodSystems()
    Fmod.Factory.System_Create(out system);
    system = new Fmod.System(IntPtr.Zero);
    system.init(3, INITFLAGS.NORMAL, IntPtr.Zero);

    channelGroup = new ChannelGroup(IntPtr.Zero);

    FmodERRCheck(system.createChannelGroup(null, out channelGroup));

Hi there this time I get unknown error. in c++, when invoke playSound() function we can be replace ChannelGroup value to 0 or FREE. but C#'s example not exist every website. so I can't coding with compare to c++ codes what's wrong in this case?

Can you confirm the system_create and system.init both return FMOD_OK?

Cameron Baron Sorry man, i was so foolish xDDD
I’m trying to construct after System_Create. Ha-Ha
so system instance be baby.