Hi. I’ve been upgrading to the 2.02.04 version of the integration plugin. All my event references were set up this way :
[SerializeField][EventRef] private string eventName;
After upgrading the plugin I had the following message under my events in the inspector :
[EventRef] is obsolete - use the EventReference type instead
which I did. For most of my events everything works fine but I had this issue lately and I don’t know what to do in order to make it work :
I have several events that are called by a PlayOneShotAttached() function. Here is my how it is called basically :
[SerializeField] EventReference eventName;
private void Update()
RuntimeManager.PlayOneShotAttached(eventName, targetObject);
After saving, I had the following error in my log :
error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘FMODUnity.EventReference’ to ‘string’
Should I be able to use PlayOneShotAttached() or did I miss something new that doesn’t require a string ?