I’m trying to connect a sidechain from one group to another that’s in the port “Vibration” but the send doesn’t not appear in the compressor as a receive. From testing this seems to be unique specifically for port “Vibration”
Just wanted to know if it’s something known already or if there’s something I’m missing.
FMOD version used is 2.02.12
Thanks for pointing this out, I’ve been able to reproduce it on my end and it appears to be a UI bug. I’ve passed it along to the development team for further investigation.
As a workaround, you should still be able to connect the sidechain with the target compressor. If you run the following code in the Studio console while you have the desired sidechain selected in deck:
var sidechain = studio.window.deckCurrent()
The select the target compressor and run the following:
It should connect the sidechain and compressor, even if it doesn’t appear in the menu. That said, let me know if you run into any issues when doing so.