Hello. I am new to FMOD. I imported in a brand new project some chimes-like…or glitter-like sounds.
But the files sound different in FMOD then in a external player. Its like after the import, the sounds have some artifacts in them.
In Audacity for example, the files sound ok.
I attached a video with the behavior and the sounds.
Is there something that i should do to improve the quality of the sounds?
Thank you!
Also, here are the files which i try to import
Thanks for uploading your source assets. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to reproduce the issue you’re describing. Do you have any effects placed further along in the signal chain that could be affecting the signal? For example, a Pitch Shifter effect on a bus that the events are routed into?
Failing that, can I get you to provide some more information so that I can try to reproduce the issue?
- Your FMOD Studio version number
- Your output driver and device (Edit → Preferences → Audio → Output Device)
- Your output device’s channel count, bit depth, and sample rate
Thank you for your fast reply! 
FMOD studio version: 2.02.19 64bit Build#137979
Output Driver: WASAPI
Output Device: WH-XB700 Hands-Free Ag Audio (Sony Headphones)
Output Device channel count: 2
Output Device sample rate: 44100 Hz
Output Device bit-depth: 16
I tried other output audio devices and it sounds the same
By unable to reproduce the issue, you mean you have tried with the files i provided?
I dont know if the issue comes from the files or from my machine, so i want to narrow the posibilities 
Thank you!
Found the problem.
Seems like windows sound settings were the root.
I disabled the Hardware acceleration and it worked.

Thank you for your support!
No problem, I’m happy to hear that you found a solution.
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