Hi again!
I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out what the FMOD Studio plugin for UE4 does on my behalf. I’m using the low-level system to create and play sounds, but some things don’t seem to work:
Calling FMOD::Studio::set3DSettings doesn’t seem to actually have an effect. Does the plugin override this? Do I just need to convert my units manually when setting sound origins in code?
I had a lot of trouble trying to position the listener. I think I need to do it using UE’s APlayerController::GetAudioListenerPosition. Is that right? Can I assume FMOD is already adapted to UE’s coordinate system?
To test, I’m printing:
FMOD_3D_ATTRIBUTES ListenerAttributes;
StudioSystem->getListenerAttributes(0, &ListenerAttributes);
printf(ListenerAttributes.position.x, ListenerAttributes.position.y, ListenerAttributes.position.z);
PlaybackSoundChannel->set3DAttributes(&Pos, &Vel);
printf(Pos.x, Pos.y, Pos.z);
These values correspond with what I’m seeying in my world when I’m moving my listener and sound source (The coordinates are in FMOD units though). However, I cannot get them to sound right in my headphones. I can walk around my sound source and I notice a difference, but it’s just not as natural sounding as the FMOD examples. Notably, my left earphone/speaker never seems to get a ‘fair amount’ of audio.