I’m working on a game being made in UE 5.4.2 and we wanted to update for 2.03.01 to make use of some of the new features that have been pretty helpful but the updated also came with a big inconvenience that is a relatively consistent crash when exiting the PiE.
It happens regardless of using Live Update or not and although it happens quite frequently there doesn’t seem to have specific steps to reproduce other than closing the editor in the middle of gameplay (happens more often when looping sounds are being played tho)
We tried updating for 2.03.02 but the issue persists there, it would be helpful if we could get debug symbols for this version to try and get more helpful logs as possible but from what we could gather so far it just seems like FMOD is struggling to close it’s processes properly when the PiE is closed and nothing much more helpful.
Hi Bruno,
I have uploaded the debug symbols for FMOD 2.03.02 for UE5.4 win64 to the uploads section of your user profile.
Kind regards,
Thank you for the debug symbols!
We managed to get further information about the crashes and so far we found (and fixed) one potential issue that was some references in UE still tied to events that have been deleted (most likely cause some machines still had the local files generated by UE since those are out of the source control for obvious reasons) and the second one seems to be related to bank unload.
We used to selectively load banks in the code but tested out loading everything at once to see if it helps and while it made the crash happen less often, it’s still there.
More info about it:
The crash happens only when playing-in-editor after leaving the game using ESC and was only introduced after updating FMOD to 2.03.
Here is the crash dump:
and the final lines of one of the logs:
message.txt (3.0 KB)
Although this isn’t keeping us from releasing the game, it really affects the team’s ability to work in the game and is very annoyed so we’d really appreciate some help figuring this one out!
I tried to reproduce this myself but have been unsuccessful so far, would you be able to upload your full crash dump to your FMOD profile? That would probably be the most useful way to debug it.
Yes, we finished the registering process of the game and will get in touch via the support, think it’ll be easier to send!