Disable crossfade?

Is there any way to disable auto-crossfade or edit the crossfade of many audio files at once?

I don’t think so.

Maybe by scripting?

Hello, this bugged me as well.
Here’s a studio api script that removes:
selected crossfades in event - shortcut F3
all crossfades in event - shortcut F4

Sorry for copy-pasting it here, I can’t attach a file since I’m a new user. You have to put it in folder called Scripts under your project or under your fmod installation and name the file RemoveFades.js

You can change the shortcuts to your liking, just edit the lines keySequence: “F3” and “F4” to anything you need to.

studio.menu.addMenuItem({ name: “Remove Selection CrossFades”,
isEnabled: function() { return studio.window.editorSelection().length; },
keySequence: “F3”,
execute: function() {
studio.window.editorSelection().forEach(function(item) {
studio.menu.addMenuItem({ name: “Remove ALL CrossFades”,
isEnabled: function() { return studio.window.browserSelection().length; },
keySequence: “F4”,
execute: function() {
studio.project.model.SingleSound.findInstances({ searchContext: studio.window.editorCurrent() }).forEach(function(item) {


Ah that’s amazing, thank you so much for providing the script!

Hey! I tried to use this script on FMOD on macOS Monterey 12.6.8 and couldn’t get it to work. Does anyone have a functioning .js they could pass along to me? I managed to get the script integrated into FMOD with no errors after some tweaking, it just doesn’t do anything at all.