How to remove crossfade curve from destination audio at transition marker

Stupid question that I must have known the answer to at some point as I have an example in my project. I just need to remove the fade in from the destination audio at a transition marker. Image is below - top track is what I’m trying to achieve but can’t figure out how. Any help appreciated!

Don't crossfade plzz!

For anyone looking this up in the future I found the answer - if you hover over the right hand side of the curve, a symbol appears like an arrow in a box. This will allow you to change the length of the crossfade

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Just came across this one, this answer is very helpful. However, i was just wondering why in other context (e.g. overlapping instruments in a timeline), there is context menu item Fade curves-> Remove Fade-in/out, but in the transition it is not. This sounds not very intuitive to me. I mean, this is a common scenario, where you have e.g. a drum loop with some reverb tail you don’t wanna miss, but of course you also not wanna miss the kick on bar 1, right? Took me a while to find out there is no such action menu to remove the fade. But of course, if you know how to do it, its working fine.

This is an oversight in our UI design. As you say, we should have a command for removing fade curves in the context menus for the source and destination regions of transition timelines. I’ll add this suggestion to our feature/improvement tracker, so that it can be addressed in an upcoming version of FMOD Studio.