Disable Parameter Automation Curve If Condition Is True

I have a single audio track playing on a loop.

It has a low pass filter applied based on the Direction parameter (if the audio source is behind the listener, we apply the low pass filter).

This works perfectly, but I would like to disable the low pass filter entirely if the built-in Distance parameter is below minDistance. I cannot find an easy way to do this that is quickly reproducible for many Events.

Is there some way I can say “do not use this parameter (Direction) based on the value of another parameter (Distance or a custom user parameter like isInside)”?

Alternatively, could I conditionally route this track to different submixes (if Distance < minDistance, an empty submix, otherwise a submix with the lowpass filter)?

I have found no way to do this on my own or in the forums. The closest I’ve achieved is this dirty workaround where I duplicate the tracks:

Then apply a volume automation based on distance:

You can set up the event so that there are two sends to two return tracks pre-fader with the fader muted. One return track has the multiband EQ and one does not. Automate the send volumes to be 0db for one of the return tracks depending on the condition.

It should look something like this:

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Thank you :slight_smile:

This is a better solution than duplicating audio tracks, but I still need to create the Send Tracks and Return Tracks for every Event in my project (the effect applies to all events and each event has its own custom “isInside” continuous parameter).

I can’t see a way to turn Sends into presets (as you can with Effects by right-clicking them). Is there any other workflow in Fmod Studio that lets me re-use this lowpass/bypass technique? I would love to be able to change the volume automation curve for all my Events in one place.

(isInside is not a boolean, because I am smoothly transitioning between bypass/lowpass via seek speed)

You can create a blank skeleton event (ie. one audio track, two sends to two return tracks) and save it as a Default event. Each time you create a new event you can select this from the New Events > Defaults context menu when creating a new event.

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Excellent. I’ll mark the first answer as a solution :slight_smile: Thanks.