Hello everyone, I am brand new to using FMOD, and despite my best efforts to follow just about every tutorial and documentation I could find, I am getting a long string of errors on Update() when trying to change the value of RPM based on a float being pulled from a car controller.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class CarEngine : MonoBehaviour
FMOD.Studio.EventInstance EngineSounds;
FMOD.Studio.EventDescription ESDescription;
public GameObject car;
private MSVehicleControllerFree carScript;
private void Start()
carScript = car.GetComponent<MSVehicleControllerFree>();
ESDescription = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.GetEventDescription("event:/Engine Sounds");
ESDescription.getParameterDescriptionByName("RPM", out pd);
pID = pd.id;
private void Update()
float RPM = carScript.pitchAUD / 2f;
EngineSounds.setParameterByID(pID, RPM);
These are the errors I’m getting:
Any help at all would be appreciated