When you upload mac app or any app after one of your apps is already using fmod you will get an error message ITMS-90511 "CFBundleIdentifier Collision…
this is because Apple requires each identifier to be unique, and the fmod bundles have always the same id.
this can only be fixed on xCode.
Go to xCode and search for “com.fmod”
you will get the places on the Info.plist of each bundle that the id is written.
like: com.fmod.fmodstudio
Change it to something unique, add a number at the end or some letters related to the current app so it will be unique.
now you need to unsign the bundles themselves so there will not be a conflict otherwise you get a different error message:
ERROR ITMS-90334: "Invalid code Signature Identifier. The identifier “com.fmod.fmodstudio” in your code signature for “fmodstudio” must match its Bundle identifier “com.fmod.fmodstudio.mygamename”
So, you have to unsign the bundles and xCode will give them the right signature by default, whatever it finds on the Info.plist.
Open Terminal and write cd .
open the plugins folder in your xCode project you got from Unity
drag the blue folder icon next to the top title on the folder to the Terminal after the cd and space letters you wrote, this will open the folder in Terminal.
Now write in Terminal:
codesign –remove-signature “resonanceaudio.bundle”
Press Enter
codesign –remove-signature “fmodstudio.bundle”
Press Enter
Do it for each bundle you have in plugin, now go to your xCode project, click Clean Build Folder, and click build.