Feature request - noise gate, expander and FMOD original VOIP system

  1. noise gate

I don’t understand why fmodstudio has no noise gate yet.

  1. expander

In case a wav source or some mixed group audio is too compressed, we should expand its dynamics, but fmod has only compressor no expander.

  1. VOIP system

Unreal audio and unity audio have its own based VOIP solutions.
But FMOD has no way to make VOIP talker itself.
It is unconfortable to make FMODAudiolink for unreal VOIP.


Thank you for the suggestions.
In 2.03 we have added a Multiband Dynamics Effect: FMOD Studio | What’s New in FMOD Studio 2.03 which may provide the behaviour you are looking for from the noise gate and expander. However, if this is not the behaviour you are looking for I can pass on your suggestions to our development team to look into further.
We already have an internal tracker for implementing a VOIP System and I have noted your interest.

Again, thank you for the suggestions.