Feature Request - Unity Debug Messages


I’m an educator who used FMOD a bit in an introductory class this semester. I have a few feature requests; keep in mind I’m a relatively new user (more experience in native Unity and Wwise, so sorry if i mix up terms!). These happened when using the C# API (as opposed to the Studio Emitter Component):

Mostly my students ran into problems when trying to change parameters in script and putting in typos (in the eventEmitter.SetParameterValue call). I feel this could be avoided, or at least more effectively debugged, with some kind of null parameter check and inspector/compiler error, but I haven’t dug into the integration code.

Second, sometimes my students had a spatializer on an event, and didn’t assign it to a position or game object. When they started the event, I’m assuming it adopted a random position, or just never materialized. Again, I wish there was some kind of debug message that occurred in this condition. As far as I can tell, there was none.

Third, I wish there was a way to know that there are changes in the FMOD Studio project that haven’t been generated into the currently-used bank. I try to impress on my students that generating banks is part of the workflow, but again, this is a quality-of-life, sanity-check thing.

These are all human errors, but a couple of debug messages here could improve the dev process for people of all experience levels. Everyone makes mistakes!

Thank you for your feedback, it is always welcome.

Mostly my students ran into problems when trying to change parameters in script and putting in typos (in the eventEmitter.SetParameterValue call). I feel this could be avoided, or at least more effectively debugged, with some kind of null parameter check and inspector/compiler error, but I haven’t dug into the integration code.

  • I will add a task to look into this further to see what we can do to improve this.

Second, sometimes my students had a spatializer on an event, and didn’t assign it to a position or game object. When they started the event, I’m assuming it adopted a random position, or just never materialized. Again, I wish there was some kind of debug message that occurred in this condition. As far as I can tell, there was none.

  • By default we give events a position of Vector3( 1e+18F, 1e+18F, 1e+18F), this way we know for certain that it hasn’t had it’s position set manually.
    Then in our RuntimeManagers update, we check the position of any 3D events and if they have not been changed we print a warning: “[FMOD] Instance of Event {0} has not had EventInstance.set3DAttributes() called on it yet!”

Third, I wish there was a way to know that there are changes in the FMOD Studio project that haven’t been generated into the currently-used bank. I try to impress on my students that generating banks is part of the workflow, but again, this is a quality-of-life, sanity-check thing.

  • This does sound like a reasonable request, I have raised this as a task although it is not trivial.

Thank you

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