File not found Problem HTML5 (loadBankFile method)

Error 18: “File not found”.
What I do wrong?

nextState = async () => {
        try {
            let bank = {}
            const res = this.system.loadBankFile("/Desktop/", FMOD.STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL, bank);
            console.log(bank, "Result status: " + FMOD.ErrorString(res), res)
        } catch (error) {

(Console log: (({} ‘Result status: File not found.’ 18)))

Files located in the right place…

Even after build that happens :face_holding_back_tears:
Can anyone help?

Though I don’t have access to your code and therefore can’t know for sure, it’s likely that you haven’t preloaded your bank files with FMOD.FS_createPreloadedFile(). I’d recommend reading over the File Access section of our HTML5-specific docs for more information on this. Also, the load_banks.js example in the HTML5 Studio API examples would should serve as a good reference on the various ways to go about loading banks.