Trouble using loadBankFile

I’m coding using FMOD and my sound designer gave me the .bank files. I just can’t figure out from the example code how I’m supposed to find the file to load.

I’m using Cocos2dx so I’m working with c++.

I’m super new to FMOD so sorry if this is a stupid question.

You should be able to just pass the path of your bank file to System::loadBankFile(). If that doesn’t work, can you give us some more details on your situation? Perhaps I’m missing something.

Doesn’t work for me as well, have you found something?
What i have done is:

But still get event not found error…

I would recommend doing a couple of things:

  • Wrap your loadBankFile() and getPath() calls in Debug.Log() to see which FMOD_RESULT is returned for each call
  • Use Debug_Initialize() with the logging version of the FMOD libs and the FMOD_DEBUG_LEVEL_LOG flag to see whether FMOD logs any warnings or additional information

If the extra Debug.Log() calls or debug logging reveal any additional information, could I get you to post them here? Could I also get your FMOD version?