FMOD continues P4 authentication spam

There is something in FMOD that seems to continuously use a P4 command which ends up spawning 1000s of authentication tabs…

We have Perforce connected to FMOD as our source control. Perforce authenticates with Okta. So when FMOD attempts to use Perforce while Perforce’s ticket auth has expired, it will open a new Okta auth chrome tab every 10 seconds or so on loop… forever. The only way to stop it is to try to authenticate within the ten second window or force close FMOD.

Is there a way to have FMOD only attempt to authenticate ONCE and wait for a response?

Hi, apologies for the delayed response.

Could I get a few things from you?

  • Your FMOD Studio version number
  • If you’re using 2.02, which Perforce integration you’re using (i.e. standard vs legacy integration)
  • A log from Window → Console → Logging with “Show verbose logging” enabled where the spam issue occurs

Just following up on this - were you able to resolve the authentication spam issue? If not, could I get you to provide me with the information I noted in my previous reply?

Hi Leah, apologies for the delay, I’ve been out of office for the week. No it’s still not fixed besides the work around of closing the app then authenticating. Let me get that information for your asap!

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No problem, thanks in advance!