Fmod crash on android 11

Signal 11(SIGSEGV), Code 1(SEGV_MAPERR)
#00 pc 000000000009301c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10AudioTrack9setVolumeEff+584)
#01 pc 000000000002bd04 /system/lib64/ (_ZN6aaudio16AudioStreamTrack11doSetVolumeEv+128)
#02 pc 000000000001ec04 /system/lib64/ (_ZN6aaudio11AudioStream12MyPlayerBase15playerSetVolumeEv+168)
#03 pc 00000000000c6a58 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10PlayerBase9setVolumeEf+148)
#04 pc 0000000000057060 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android5media8BnPlayer10onTransactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS2_j+472)
#05 pc 0000000000048834 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android7BBinder8transactEjRKNS_6ParcelEPS1_j+232)
#06 pc 0000000000051c10 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14executeCommandEi+1040)
#07 pc 0000000000051750 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState20getAndExecuteCommandEv+156)
#08 pc 0000000000051f90 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14IPCThreadState14joinThreadPoolEb+108)
#09 pc 0000000000078f58 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android10PoolThread10threadLoopEv+24)
#10 pc 000000000001553c /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+320)
#11 pc 00000000000a5af4 /system/lib64/ (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+144)
#12 pc 0000000000014db0 /system/lib64/ (ZN13thread_data_t10trampolineEPKS+408)
#13 pc 00000000000f4204 /apex/ (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+64)
#14 pc 000000000008ec64 /apex/ (__start_thread+64)

other log:
09-21 10:03:17.670 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.670 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: getSdkOpenId
09-21 10:03:17.672 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: getSdkOpenId
09-21 10:03:17.677 18990 19767 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0x70b7689010 for 2032x1200, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20002900
09-21 10:03:17.678 18990 19556 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.678 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.678 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() sampleRate changed from 0 to 48000
09-21 10:03:17.678 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#4) from 0 to 2
09-21 10:03:17.680 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() flags changed from 0x00000104 to 0x00000000
09-21 10:03:17.680 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() perfMode changed from 12 to 10
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 I AAudio : AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream() returns 0 = AAUDIO_OK for s#4 ----------------
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_close(s#4) called ---------------
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#4) from 2 to 11
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#4) from 11 to 12
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(sessionID=143593)
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: stop(sessionID=143593)
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: stop(17290): prior state:STATE_STOPPED
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19609 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::setVolume() from IPlayer
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19609 D AAudioStream: setDuckAndMuteVolume() to 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19609 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.681 18990 19609 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.683 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_close(s#4) returned 0 ---------
09-21 10:03:17.683 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.684 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.710 18990 19556 I AudioManager: In isBluetoothScoOn(), calling application: com.pie.piegame
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I fmod : FMOD::supportsLowLatency : Low latency = true, Pro Audio = false, Bluetooth On = false, Acceptable Block Size = true (192)
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I GameREC_Audio[JNI]: audio_dlsym_hook setCallback builder:0x7073871a80 函数:0x722c6d4eec userData: 0x71f06ff408
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I AAudio : AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream() called ----------------------------------------
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: rate = 0, channels = 0, format = 0, sharing = SH, dir = OUTPUT
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: device = 0, sessionId = -1, perfMode = 12, callback: ON with frames = 0
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: usage = 14, contentType = 0, inputPreset = 0, allowedCapturePolicy = 0
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: privacy sensitive = false
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 D AudioStreamTrack: open(), request notificationFrames = -8, frameCount = 0
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 I com.pie.piegam: getDeviceIsSupportElevoc() The device is not support elevoc
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: set(sessionId=0)
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: getDeviceId
09-21 10:03:17.711 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate 0, format 0x5, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 0, flags #104, notificationFrames -8, sessionId 0, transferType 1, uid -1, pid -1
09-21 10:03:17.713 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: onEvent, eventName:mgame_download_to_login, params:{“time”:1663725824,“server_id”:0,“current_server_id”:0,“user_unique_id”:“”,“role_id”:“”,“role_level”:0,“vip_level”:0,“create_role_time”:0,“role_name”:“”,“total_cost”:0,“app_id”:7002,“ip”:“”,“time_str”:“2022-09-21 10:03:17”,“device_id”:“2252255596383198”,“event”:“mgame_download_to_login”,“action”:17}
09-21 10:03:17.719 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.720 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: checkProtocolVersion
09-21 10:03:17.727 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(17290): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 0 → 1924
09-21 10:03:17.727 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.727 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.728 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.729 18990 19556 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.729 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.729 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() sampleRate changed from 0 to 48000
09-21 10:03:17.729 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#5) from 0 to 2
09-21 10:03:17.729 18990 19157 E chromium: [] Strict Secure Cookie policy does not allow setting a secure cookie for for apps targeting >= R. Please either use the ‘https:’ scheme for this URL or omit the ‘Secure’ directive in the cookie value.
09-21 10:03:17.731 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() flags changed from 0x00000104 to 0x00000000
09-21 10:03:17.731 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() perfMode changed from 12 to 10
09-21 10:03:17.732 18990 19556 I AAudio : AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream() returns 0 = AAUDIO_OK for s#5 ----------------
09-21 10:03:17.732 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_close(s#5) called ---------------
09-21 10:03:17.732 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#5) from 2 to 11
09-21 10:03:17.732 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#5) from 11 to 12
09-21 10:03:17.732 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(sessionID=143601)
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19007 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::setVolume() from IPlayer
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19007 D AAudioStream: setDuckAndMuteVolume() to 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19007 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19007 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: stop(sessionID=143601)
09-21 10:03:17.733 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: stop(17291): prior state:STATE_STOPPED
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_close(s#5) returned 0 ---------
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 I AAudio : AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream() called ----------------------------------------
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: rate = 0, channels = 0, format = 0, sharing = SH, dir = OUTPUT
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: device = 0, sessionId = -1, perfMode = 12, callback: ON with frames = 0
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: usage = 14, contentType = 0, inputPreset = 0, allowedCapturePolicy = 0
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 I AudioStreamBuilder: privacy sensitive = false
09-21 10:03:17.736 18990 19556 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
09-21 10:03:17.737 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.737 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: registerRealName
09-21 10:03:17.739 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: requestSdkMonitorEvent:{“event”:“gsdk_unity_service_init”,“category”:{“service_name”:“RealName”,“is_from_unity3”:true,“package_name”:“com.pie.piegame”,“app_version”:“0.0.22092019”,“sdk_version”:“”},“metric”:null,“extra”:null}
09-21 10:03:17.740 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.740 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: start to call isVerifyV2
09-21 10:03:17.740 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: getCurrentActivity, result: com.sdk.MainActivity@7af74d8
09-21 10:03:17.742 18990 19556 D AudioStreamTrack: open(), request notificationFrames = 0, frameCount = 3848
09-21 10:03:17.742 18990 19556 I com.pie.piegam: getDeviceIsSupportElevoc() The device is not support elevoc
09-21 10:03:17.742 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: set(sessionId=0)
09-21 10:03:17.742 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: set(): streamType -1, sampleRate 0, format 0x5, channelMask 0x3, frameCount 3848, flags #104, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0, transferType 1, uid -1, pid -1
09-21 10:03:17.744 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: requestSdkMonitorEvent:{“event”:“gsdk_unity_service_init”,“category”:{“service_name”:“Channel”,“is_from_unity3”:true,“package_name”:“com.pie.piegame”,“app_version”:“0.0.22092019”,“sdk_version”:“”},“metric”:null,“extra”:null}
09-21 10:03:17.744 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.745 18990 19259 I chatty : uid=10321(com.pie.piegame) UnityMain identical 2 lines
09-21 10:03:17.746 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: checkMethodEnable
09-21 10:03:17.746 18990 19259 I SdkInteraction: registerAccountStatusChangedListener
09-21 10:03:17.746 18990 19259 V SdkInteraction: getCurrentActivity, result: com.sdk.MainActivity@7af74d8
09-21 10:03:17.760 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: createTrack_l(17291): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST denied by server; frameCount 3848 → 3848
09-21 10:03:17.763 18990 19556 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.764 18990 19556 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.764 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() sampleRate changed from 0 to 48000
09-21 10:03:17.764 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#6) from 0 to 2
09-21 10:03:17.764 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() flags changed from 0x00000104 to 0x00000000
09-21 10:03:17.764 18990 19556 W AudioStreamTrack: open() perfMode changed from 12 to 10
09-21 10:03:17.765 18990 19475 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::setVolume() from IPlayer
09-21 10:03:17.765 18990 19475 D AAudioStream: setDuckAndMuteVolume() to 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.765 18990 19475 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.765 18990 19475 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:17.766 18990 19556 I AAudio : AAudioStreamBuilder_openStream() returns 0 = AAUDIO_OK for s#6 ----------------
09-21 10:03:17.767 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_requestStart(s#6) called --------------
09-21 10:03:17.767 18990 19556 D AAudioStream: setState(s#6) from 2 to 3
09-21 10:03:17.767 18990 19556 I AudioTrack: start(17292): prior state:STATE_STOPPED
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : [] output format is AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t color-range = 2
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t color-standard = 1
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t color-transfer = 3
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : string mime = “video/raw”
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t stride = 2048
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t slice-height = 1216
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t color-format = 2141391878
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 2029, 1193)
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t android._dataspace = 260
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : Buffer hdr-static-info = {
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : }
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t width = 2032
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : int32_t height = 1200
09-21 10:03:17.769 18990 19767 I ACodec : }
09-21 10:03:19.258 18990 19547 I Choreographer: Skipped 88 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
09-21 10:03:19.258 18990 19556 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=1490ms code=2
09-21 10:03:19.258 18990 19556 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::start() from IPlayer
09-21 10:03:19.258 18990 19556 D AAudio : AAudioStream_requestStart(s#6) returned 0 ---------
09-21 10:03:19.259 18990 19871 D AudioStreamLegacy: onAudioDeviceUpdate() devId 3 => 3
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19871 D com.pie.piegam: PlayerBase::setVolume() from IPlayer
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19871 D AAudioStream: setDuckAndMuteVolume() to 1.000000
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19871 I AudioTrack: setVolume left:1.000000 right:1.000000
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19871 D AudioTrack: setVolume: left = 1.000000 right = 1.000000
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19547 W BugManager: ##### register,mFd=334
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19547 V BugManager_JNI: bug message start: fd=334,tag =0X01004801
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19547 V BugManager_JNI: bug message copy: fd=334,msgid =107237,len=63,msg={“activity”:“com.pie.piegame/com.sdk.MainActivity”,“frames”:88}
09-21 10:03:19.260 18990 19547 V BugManager_JNI: bug message stop: fd =334,msgid =107237
09-21 10:03:19.261 18990 19547 I choreographer_caton: 88
09-21 10:03:19.263 18990 19259 E gsdk: auto login finish countDownTimer cancel
09-21 10:03:19.263 18990 19868 W AudioTrack: restartIfDisabled(17292): releaseBuffer() track 0x70e92c0000 disabled due to previous underrun, restarting
09-21 10:03:19.264 18990 18990 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=手机, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=系统 types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
09-21 10:03:19.269 18990 19609 E NPTH : Native crash was detected!
09-21 10:03:19.299 18990 19868 D AAudioStream: setState(s#6) from 3 to 4
09-21 10:03:19.325 19883 19883 I auditd : type=1400 audit(0.0:26898130): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=“Binder:18990_6” path=“/sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker” dev=“tracefs” ino=12325 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_trace_marker:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.pie.piegame
09-21 10:03:19.325 19883 19883 W Binder:18990_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:26898130): avc: denied { getattr } for path=“/sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker” dev=“tracefs” ino=12325 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_trace_marker:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.pie.piegame
09-21 10:03:19.329 19883 19883 W Binder:18990_6: type=1400 audit(0.0:26898131): avc: denied { getattr } for path=“/sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker” dev=“tracefs” ino=12325 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_trace_marker:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.pie.piegame
09-21 10:03:19.352 18990 19871 D AudioStreamLegacy: onAudioDeviceUpdate() devId 3 => 3
09-21 10:03:19.329 19883 19883 I auditd : type=1400 audit(0.0:26898131): avc: denied { getattr } for comm=“Binder:18990_6” path=“/sys/kernel/tracing/trace_marker” dev=“tracefs” ino=12325 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:debugfs_trace_marker:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.pie.piegame
09-21 10:03:19.412 18990 19002 I com.pie.piegam: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 89371(5752KB) AllocSpace objects, 22(1016KB) LOS objects, 27% free, 10MB/14MB, paused 125us total 1.694s
09-21 10:03:19.435 18990 19036 I LooperMonitor: enable coreinfo
09-21 10:03:19.463 18990 18990 I SdkInteraction: isVerifyV2 onSuccess callback

this crash happened several times, can u explain the reason of this crash from this log.

This appears to be related to this issue Fmod crash on android crash stack - #15 by jeff_fmod
Which should be resolved in Android 13.

yes, this is xiaomi’s bug, i ask the xiaomi technical support, they say this is due to android system 11 thread lock bug. upgrading system to android 12 or higher will solve this crash.

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