FMOD in Unreal practice

Hello all. I just finished my Master’s in sound art and am looking for a chance to build a career in video game audio design. I have been self learning FMOD studio and familiarizing myself with Unreal5 so that I can get some practice implementing sounds in UR. I was wondering if there are any practice opportunities I could use to speed up this process for me. I would appreciate any idea or information.

Unfortunately, as of the time of writing (November of 2022), we don’t have any FMOD Unreal integration tutorials or practice projects that we can point you to.

Still, if you’re looking to practice adding sounds to an Unreal project, it’s hard to look past the game templates in the Unreal Project Browser, and the various sample projects that are available through the “samples” tab of the Epic Games launcher. Pick one of them to download, install the FMOD Unreal integration, and start implementing sounds!

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Thanks for the kind reply dear Joseph. I did download some samples. Also my partner is an UE enthusiast, so he started to create some scenes with simple action in them for me to practice on.