I am working on a team project using GitHub as the repo. We are using Unity and I am implementing FMOD Oculus Spatializer to the project. However my team mates are getting errors when they try to test the audio on their computers. It seems that they need FMOD and Oculus Spatializer settings on their machine as well as mine. Has anyone experienced this or can anyone help with what to do if working on a group project using FMOD Oculus Spatializer?
Are you able to post the errors your team mates are getting? Could you also make sure the team mates’ projects all have the correct Oculus Spatializer dlls in the correct locations and the FMOD integration settings are correctly pointing to these dlls?
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the reply, I have attached the errors my team mates are seeing as a workaround I have asked all of the team to download FMOD studio and install the oculusspatializerfmod.dll locally as well. This seems to be working as a workaround but can you advise what I should be doing if I wanted to share Unity so that my team mates do not have to build the banks everytime or install fmod studio?
You need to make sure the dlls are included when using git. You can see our documentation which has information on what should and shouldn’t be ignored, including a master ignore list:
In regards to sharing banks - make sure you are using single or multi platform importing of banks rather than project.