Hi folks, thanks for continued help,
I made a video detailing two issues I’ve got currently FMOD param sheet issues - YouTube
automation not firing track volume. (See video 0:39). Here’s pic of param automation:
samples on param sheet not always firing reliably (See video 2.00m)
I’ve updated to latest version of FMOD and still persists - I’m unsure if I’m doing something wrong or if it’s a bug.
Kind regards
hey Alcibiade, thanks for the reply, very kind of you!
I figured things out 
i think this was some bug with the track, if that is even possible. I had no other modulation or automation overriding the level. I made a new track and copied everything to it, dialled in the same automation then the problem was fixed. so i think i must have corrupted the track before somehow with some things i tried earlier which i deleted at some earlier stage…bit confusing because i don’t know for certain. you are right, something was forcing the level to minus infinity, but there is nothing doing that, so far as i can see.
this was my oversight - on the timeline sheet i had another sound looping with a transition timeline - this is what was pausing the instrument playback, silly mistake! i will find a better way to accomplish what i need.
Thankyou Alcibiade, I owe you a few beers now if you visit London!
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